The Moon Mothers of Half Moon Bay is a tribe of creative, kind hearted women.

We gather in a circle at the greenhouse for personal enlightenment through artistic expression. Our gatherings include yoga, SoulCollage, a book club, art journal, painting classes, and, of course, full moon ceremonies.

On the full moon, we gather for ceremony

to honor divine feminine goddesses.

Through song, dance, ritual, and mythological stories from around the world, we keep the spirit of the divine feminine alive and growing.

Our circle is open to all women.


Watercolor Class

Hello Ladies, I am happy to announce an upcoming watercolor painting class with Sharon Scott.  Many of you have expressed a desire for another painting class,…

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Hello Ladies, I hope that you are feeling the brilliance of the moon, she will reach her apex of fullness tomorrow at 4:48pm. May her…

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Me Time

Now that things have simmered down and we have settled into the new season of rebirth, I invite you to a little me time. Below are invitations…

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Simmer Down

Hello Ladies, There seems to be an intense energy as the seasons collide. Winter is holding on with rain and wind, then spring takes the…

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Artist Retreat

Hello Ladies, There is still a space available for you at the upcoming Spring Equinox Artist Retreat.  I hope you can join us in this spacious circle. …

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Spring Equinox

I hope you’re transitioning from winter to spring with ease and that all your winter dreams that have been germinating in the darkness of winter are…

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